• 2 Qua 2022 3 anos ago.

One of our American customers, James, used to be a soldier and now is a dropshippers after he left the army. James’ shop mainly sold backpacksJames mainly sells backpacks. At (In) the beginning, his business was lacklustre (lacklustre). Through communication, I(We) knew that he was a soldier before, so we recommended this tactical backpack to him.

The backpack design is inspired by a three-day bag of Marine. It is a backpack used by the army to carry food and personal items for three days. It is very convenient to use. The main bag can hold a 2L water bag, and the shoulders are lined with EVA to enhance the comfort of carrying. There are 6 colors of the backpack. The material is made from military-standard nylon, which has high strength and ensures that it will not rot when wet.

James saw this product and liked it very much. So he started to promote it. In less than 2 weeks, this product is popular by many customers, and James got more than 500 orders per day for this backpack. James is very grateful to us for recommending this product to him, combining his career with his dreams and increasing the sales of other products in his store

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